Release and Recover
Have you ever watched yourself–after years of therapy (I’m talking decades) and way past old enough to know better–act out every insecurity you have in the most embarrassing way in front of a person you’re desperate to impress? Yep. Just did that. Release and recover. Let’s talk about it.
What are my insecurities you ask?
Probably the same as yours.
Take a deep breath, my Calm app said, turning it on, hoping to regain some dignity after that emotional debacle. Jay Shetty to the rescue. My meditation for the day: How do you recover when emotions throw you off kilter? Instead of self-critiquing, you want to self-correct. Release and Recover. “Offer yourself kindness whenever you are off-kilter,” Jay Shetty instructs. The sooner you realize your imbalance, the quicker to reset. I guess. Jay sounds a lot more confident about it than I feel.